Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Conception: How and When

Dear Baby P,

In the early weeks of your rapid development, while the thought of you in my womb was still sinking in, I kept on looking back on how I managed to conceive, and when the conception happened. Your coming was a remarkable turning point in my life, and I wanted to remember it forever. It was a miracle for me to have you in my life, because I never thought that it was possible for me to conceive despite my health situation.

I have long been diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) ever since my teen years. It was not surprising for me to miss my menstrual period for three months. More so, I have long been having unhealthy sleeping habits from being a student, and all the more to being an employee. I am typically pale-faced due to iron-deficiency anemia, and I was very much prone to stress. These conditions make it difficult for women to conceive, that I had been convinced that I would be having a hard time to conceive in the future. I even believed that I might be reproductively challenged.

I had worked in my previous organization for three years, and I had experienced extreme stress and had been deprived of sleep. It had caused my immune system to weaken that I easily caught a lot of illnesses almost every month. When I left my job, I started looking after myself. I had gained a lot of weight due to stress, and I badly missed my best shape when I was in college, so I started working out regularly. I did it during the four months that I was happily unemployed, and I saw great results. I was back in shape and I felt stronger.

I had also become a late bloomer during the final months of my stay in my first job. I started to become interested in the art of makeup, and got inspired by makeup tutorial videos on the internet. I started to invest in quality cosmetic products, and learned to transform myself and enhance my appearance through makeup. I started to value the importance of making an effort to look pleasant when attending special events. I must admit that I liked what I was seeing in the mirror.

It was indeed a miracle for me to be able to conceive, that I savored this very rare chance so much. I was able to improve my health and my esteem before I had you, and I truly believe that you and your Papa deserve to have each other. Your Papa and I had long been sharing visions of you in different situations. We called our imaginary child “Baby P”, and imagined him running to the priest after mass to pay respect. Imagine how delighted your Papa was that “Baby P” would really become real!

Your Papa and I had this thought that you were God's anniversary gift to us. Together with your Ate Che and Kuya Mic, we celebrated in Boracay our fifth year as a dating couple. July 20 was also your Kuya Mic's birthday. It was a wonderful vacation for all of us, because Boracay, one of the best island destinations in the world, was truly breathtaking. Yes, you were made in Boracay paradise!

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