Saturday, February 4, 2012

When your Papa heard your heartbeat for the first time

Dear Baby P,

It was time again for my monthly prenatal checkup with Doc Meneses for November, and I couldn’t wait to hear your heartbeat again. I, your Papa, Ate Gela, Ate Geli, Mama Myr and Ate Che just had a vacation from Hong Kong in October, so I wanted to make sure you did not have any fetal distress. I was excited too because my November visit to Doc was my first time as a Serrano!

The routine was for the Doc to ask me if I had any problems during the past month, and I said none. I was 15 weeks pregnant, and was feeling good in my second trimester. Doc congratulated me and your Papa as well when I told her my new surname and your Papa showed her his ring finger.

Doc gave us a referral note for a congenital anomaly scan, which I could have at least on my 18th week. In this scan, aside from pointing out possible physical defects of the baby, the gender could also be determined! I would have to let two more weeks pass before I could see you in the ultrasound monitor again! And I’d make sure that your Papa goes with me.

After the consultation, it was time to check on your heartbeat. Doc had me lie down on her examination bed and then she probed my belly with the Doppler device. Unfortunately, she was having a hard time hearing you because the device was making loud noises. After several failed attempts to fix the device, she asked her assistant to borrow any other Doppler from other doctors, but the assistant was not able to find one. Doc decided to use her stethoscope instead, and confirmed to me and your Papa that she found your heartbeat doing great.

Your Papa asked Doc if he could use the stethoscope too to hear you, but Doc said your Papa wouldn’t be able to. But she assured us that your heart rate was normal.

I sensed that your Papa looked disappointed as we got out of the clinic. I just had to mimic for him the sound of your heartbeat when I heard it for the first time with Mommy in one of my earlier first trimester consultations. We were going to enter the elevator when Doc’s assistant came running to us and told us to go back to the clinic because the Doppler device seemed to be finally working. Your Papa and I headed back with excitement. I lied down on Doc’s examination bed again, and Doc finally captured the sound of your heartbeat!

Your Papa was very happy to hear you! Your heartbeat sounded like a galloping horse! Your Papa and I finally came home happy. And he wouldn’t let that special day end without sharing his joy to the online world.

Hearing your heartbeat was the highlight of your Papa’s day. Like me, we couldn’t wait to see you in the ultrasound monitor after three weeks!

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